David Mroz Notes 1 Corinthians Chapter 4

July 24, 2024

1 Corinthians 4

We, who are now keepers of God’s past mysteries, things that are now known for our salvation, have been instructed to proclaim the gospel of Jesus the Christ, if at all, by the way we live and conduct ourselves. Human wisdom is the natural man, the unsaved person, and cannot understand the spiritual man’s ways. Being judged by others or the courts that man has put together should have no impact on our commitment to living a godly life. Our actions will speak greater than our words in this judgmental world. The judgement we will all face will come from God, first our salvation, being displayed by faith, then our works. Our salvation will not depend on our works, but our works will be judged as gold and other precious gems to survive a fire or wood and hay to be burned, 1 Corinthians 3. This judgement will depend on the motives of our heart. In thinking of our motives, I ask last week, “why do we do the things we do?” Have you had a chance to think about that? The opportunity to contemplate this came to me a few days ago. My thoughts took me to self-preservation, to avoid “missing out” on things, a justification that I was offended and if I got caught, I could bring up the past. Your thoughts and reasons could and probably are different. Do any of them revolve around Christ and Him crucified as we studied in 1 Corinthians 2? Probably not. My point is this, whatever we do in life even die we should do as an example to glorify Jesus, 1 Corinthians 10:31. We will soon study this chapter. Let’s pay attention to this until we get to this study. Are we glorifying God in ALL we do?

God’s Church is not a political battlefield, pitting one person over another. The unity of the church depends on the maturity of those leading and the maturity of those following. In Acts, the Bereans became spiritually wise and united to the truth because they researched what was being told to them by Paul, Acts 17. In our witnessing, either by example or by conversation, we are told to not add to the scriptures, or “not go beyond what is written.” (Verse 6). John writes in Revelation 22 “not to add or take away from prophecy of this book” and so I am encouraged that the teachings of scripture can be searched in the scriptures, and can be verified through the scripture, praying as we earnestly seek God’s wisdom and guidance. Be reminded that James 1:5 encourages us to ask for wisdom and God will give to us generously and do not doubt God but trust Him for this wisdom. Men, you are the humble, seeking wisdom to better understand scripture and you are receiving this wisdom with each study. Now apply it. The natural man will try to convince you seeing is believing but we say believing is seeing and the mind of God begins to instruct you because the Spirit lives in you and the Spirit knows the mind of God, 1 Corinthians 2:16. Therefore, ask for wisdom in your studying of the scriptures.

In your studies of scriptures, there will be many who have some knowledge and can guide you through understanding. They can take you as far as they have gone, then the student becomes the instructor. Jesus said in Luke 6:40, “A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” I suggest your studies be more in the Bible than about the Bible. We can go to commentaries but keep committed to prayer that God will show you the answers in the Bible. Your answers very well could come from a commentary but check the references that are made. 


Heavenly Father, forgive us our sins. As we walk through this life help us to recognize Your control and Your guidance. Place in our paths godly men who trust you, men who can instruct us of your ways. Keep us from placing anyone and anything over your Headship of us. We love you!


-David Mroz